10:00 AM - 12:00 M Tratamiento de la protrusión bimaxilar y las alteraciones verticales desde un punto de vista diferente: ampliando la perspectiva clínica
1:30 PM - 3:30 PM Impresión de metal 3D y alineadores de impresión directa
4:00 PM - 5:00 PM CAD/CAM en retención e IA en el mundo de la ortodoncia
10:00 AM - 12:00 M El Yin y el Yang del crecimiento cráneo-facial sobre la estabilidad del tratamiento ortodóntico
4:00 PM - 6:00 PM Limites dentoalveolares del camuflaje sagital - A veces lo imposible es posible
10:00 AM - 12:00 M Tecnología en Ortodoncia: Retos y Oportunidades
4:00 PM - 6:00 PM ¿Que puedo hacer como Ortodoncista para controlar caries dental en mis pacientes? Un enfoque clínico y basado en la evidencia
2:30 PM - 3:30 PM Herramientas tecnológicas - aplicaciones clínicas - eficacia en el resultado
1:30 PM - 3:30 PM Inauguración Salón País Invitado ESPAÑA - Inteligencia artificial y tecnología 3d ¿han mejorado la eficacia predictabilidad y han disminuido el número de citas de nuestros tratamientos con alineadores?
2:30 PM - 3:30 PM ¿Es realmente posible acelerar el movimiento dental en ortodoncia?
Dr. Tung Nguyen completed his dental training at Tufts University and received his master’s degree and Certificate in Orthodontics at the University of North Carolina. He completed the William R Proffit Teaching Fellowship before joining the faculty at the University of North Carolina. He is the Zaytoun Endowed Professor and Program Director at UNC, a Diplomate of the American Board of Orthodontics and a member of the Angle Society of Orthodontists. He received the BF and Helen Dewel Award for best clinical research from the American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics for the work done on Class III bone anchors and Milo Hellman award from the AAO for best research in 2014. Dr. Nguyen has over 100 publications and book chapters and has lectured nationally and internationally. His research interests are 3D imaging, technology and dentofacial orthopedics.
Tema 1: Tecnología en Ortodoncia: Retos y Oportunidades
Tema 2: Autotrasplantación. Técnica alternativa en casos de dientes perdidos o impactados.
The past two decades have seen a tremendous increase in the introduction of technology into the field of orthodontics. Rapid advancements and decreasing production cost for computer hardware and software technology, CAD-CAM appliances, 3D imaging and 3D printing have made it possible to incorporate this technology into daily clinical practice. However, the basic question remains “what is efficient and effective, what is not, and what is best for our patient?” The 1 st part of this presentation will discuss current available “customized appliances”, shows clinical cases using the technology, and examine the data (or lack of data) regarding their effectiveness.
Learning objectives:
1. Discuss the pros and cons of incorporating a 3D customized appliances and 3D printed appliances into your practice.
2. Review the current available data on the efficacy of 3D customized appliances.
3. Discuss 3D Imaging technology and highlight current and future applications in orthodontics.
The 2 nd part of the lecture will cover the use of technology in the treatment of patient with missing teeth. The lecture will review protocols using skeletal anchorage to close space for missing teeth and reintroduce autotransplantation as an alternative technique for patients with missing or impacted teeth. The lecture will review the latest protocol for autotransplantation.
Learning objectives:
1. Discuss orthodontic options for the replacement of missing teeth
2. Discuss an updated protocol for autotransplantation using 3D technology