10:00 AM - 12:00 M El Yin y el Yang del crecimiento cráneo-facial sobre la estabilidad del tratamiento ortodóntico
1:30 PM - 3:30 PM Impresión de metal 3D y alineadores de impresión directa
4:00 PM - 6:00 PM Limites dentoalveolares del camuflaje sagital - A veces lo imposible es posible
4:00 PM - 5:00 PM CAD/CAM en retención e IA en el mundo de la ortodoncia
1:30 PM - 3:30 PM Autotrasplantación. Técnica alternativa en casos de dientes perdidos o impactados
10:00 AM - 12:00 M Tecnología en Ortodoncia: Retos y Oportunidades
1:30 PM - 3:30 PM Armonización de las proporciones faciales en tratamientos de Clase II y Clase III severas con atipias, simplificando el procedimiento y maximizando resultados
4:00 PM - 6:00 PM ¿Que puedo hacer como Ortodoncista para controlar caries dental en mis pacientes? Un enfoque clínico y basado en la evidencia
1:30 PM - 2:30 PM - ¿Es realmente posible acelerar el movimiento dental en ortodoncia?
2:30 PM - 3:30 PM ¿Es realmente posible acelerar el movimiento dental en ortodoncia?
Dr. Flavia Artese graduated in Dentistry at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro in 1992, where she also obtained her MSc (1993) and PhD in Orthodontics (1998). She was a Visiting Scholar at the Department of Orthodontics at the University of Washington (1995-6). In 1999, Dr. Flavia became a part time Associate Professor in Orthodontics at the Rio de Janeiro State University, and currently is the Chair of the Orthodontic Program and teaches two days a week for undergraduate and graduate students. She is a Diplomate of the Brazilian Board of Orthodontics (2006), the former President of the Brazilian Association of Orthodontics (2014-2018) and an International Ambassador for the American Association of Orthodontists, representing Brazil. In 2018 she became an active member of the Angle Midwest Society and currently is the Secretary of the Scientific Commission of this Society. Dr. Flavia is the Chair of the 10 th International Orthodontic Congress of the WFO that will be held in Rio de Janeiro in 2025. She has vastly lectured nationally and internationally and has published several papers and book chapters and was the past editor in chief of the Dental Press Journal of Orthodontics. Dr. Flavia practices orthodontics in her private practice in Rio de Janeiro since 1993.
Looking at bimaxillary protrusion from a different perspective
Bimaxillary protrusion has a significant influence on facial esthetics and orthodontics plays an important role in its correction, since incisor retrusion allows major lip changes. In contemporary orthodontics this can be achieved, in varying degrees, by three basic mechanisms: interproximal reduction, full arch distalization using skeletal anchorage, or premolar extractions. In premolar extraction cases it is not yet clear if there is a difference in anchorage loss and therefore in the amount of incisor retraction with two-step or en-masse retraction mechanics. Three dimensional aspects of cases treated with such mechanics will be presented regarding occlusal and facial effects. Although bimaxillary protrusion has been traditionally looked at in a profile view by our profession, it will be shown that this malocclusion is of greater impact in the frontal view, being associated with perioral muscular contraction, which can suggest unrested facial expressions. This presentation will demonstrate that 3D analysis and frontal perception of bimaxillary protrusion can shed light to a whole new perspective on this malocclusion.
Learning Objectives:
a) Understand the tridimensional differences of space closure in two- step and en masse retraction .
b) Recognize the tridimensional effect of incisor retraction on the lips .
c) Realize the impact of the bimaxillary protrusion in the frontal view on facial esthetics .
Game Changers in Open Bite Treatment
Open bite treatments are challenging due to its high rate of relapse. The literature presents many researches on this subject, but with controversial information. There are disagreements on the definition of open bite, its etiology and types of treatment. Possibly, the lack of consensus on the etiology of the anterior open bite may have led to different types of treatment and can be the explanation for the high level of relapse of this malocclusion. Function has a primary role in open bite stability, but other factors are of utmost importance to achieve an adequate and esthetic occlusion. With this in mind, the purpose of this lecture is to discuss how dental, skeletal and functional aspects should be considered in treatment planning, as well as the impact of different types of orthodontic appliances on clinical results.
Learning Objectives:
a) Understand the importance of oral function in open bite stability.
b) Outline the criteria to define on incisor extrusion or molar intrusion to correct anterior open bites.
c) Critically analyze the effects of different appliances on open bite treatments.
Pearls of Knowledge on Deep Bite Treatment: Esthetic and Functional Considerations
Deep bite is an excessive overlap of incisors and should be treated in cases with gingival impingement or with long incisor guidance, that can
lead to incisor wear. It is multifactorial in nature and can be associated to a decreased mandibular angle, incisor extrusion and/or posterior underdevelopment. Posterior tooth wear or erosion can also lead to deep bite due to loss of occlusal vertical dimension, mandibular
counterclockwise rotation, and bite deepening. Many treatment approaches are available, which may include incisor intrusion, molar and
premolar extrusion or posterior prosthodontic build ups. Esthetic and functional aspects will determine which treatment approach to use and
should be considered in treatment planning, most specifically upper incisor display at rest and occlusal vertical dimension. To illustrate and discuss different treatment approaches a series of cases are presented, pointing out important diagnostic criteria to define where and how deepbite should be treated.
Learning Objectives:
a) Understand the importance of dynamic occlusion in overbite correction.
b) Outline the criteria to define on incisor intrusion or molar extrusion to correct deep overbites.
c) Present the effects of vertical dimension changes in deep bite correction.